Place Standard Tool with Climate Lens launched during #ScotClimateWeek

The Place Standard Tool with a climate lens is a project jointly led and delivered by Sniffer, Sustainable Scotland Network and Architecture & Design Scotland, together with and funded by Public Health Scotland and Scottish Government. It builds on the widely used Place Standard Tool (PST), which provides a simple framework to structure conversation about place, based around 14 themes.

The Place Standard with a climate lens will help people to understand how climate change might play out in a local area and support them to design their future place in mind.

The Place Standard with a climate lens includes a suite of tools for facilitators and organisers of Place Standard sessions which can be used in addition to the existing Place Standard resources to help place-making conversations consider the two interrelated aspects (mitigation and adaptation) of how people and places need to address climate change.

The ‘Climate Lens’ takes the form of:

  • extra guidance and questions in the main PST guidance,
  • a climate change prompt document for facilitators,
  • a glossary of terms,
  • support videos,
  • online and in person-tools to help facilitators host effective PST CL sessions (including slide-packs, online whiteboard templates, postcards, etc).

Find out more about the Place Standard with a Climate Lens here.