RESiL RISK Northern Ireland investigated understanding and awareness from people in Northern Ireland in relation to climate risks, resilience and adaptation options and policy, as evidence for designing future climate change risk communications and to inform policy making.

Report Published – RESiL RISK Northern Ireland: Public perceptions of climate risks and adaptation in Northern Ireland

Webinar launching the RESiL RISK report

On 28th June 2023, project partners held a webinar to present the results from RESiL RISK Northern Ireland – a project providing important insights into public perceptions of climate risks and support for adaptation strategies in Northern Ireland at a time when the country’s ambitious Climate Legislation had recently received Royal Assent. A short presentation summarised key research results and associated recommendations from RESiL RISK Northern Ireland to inform climate communication, engagement and legislation. The presentations from the webinar are available to view here.

This project was funded by UKRI Climate Resilience Programme & in partnership with Cardiff University.