NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2024-29 (NICCAP3)

Northern Ireland Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2024–2029 (NICCAP3)

On behalf of DAERA, Climate NI asked for a contribution to the next Northern Ireland Climate Change Adaptation Programme (NICCAP3). We asked for planned or ongoing projects during the period 2024-2029 which would address the impacts of climate change in Northern Ireland. This was an important opportunity to create a coordinated plan of action for NI which could meet the challenge we face.

The deadline for returns was Friday 26th April 2024.


What is NICCAP3?

Northern Ireland is already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Shocks and stresses associated with weather are projected to become more intense and frequent over coming years and decades.

The most recent UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) Evidence Report in 2021 set out the priority risks faced for Northern Ireland, and government now must respond with an action plan for the period of 2024-29. This action plan will be the Third NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme (NICCAP3).

In early 2024, DAERA called for academia, local government, businesses, NGOs and communities across NI to contribute to the NICCAP3, to deliver as comprehensive a view of climate adaptation action in NI as possible.


What kind of project or action were we interested in?

Adaptation is the process of preparing for the impacts of climate change, such as increasingly intense and frequent floods, heatwaves and storms. It is up to government and society to decide how to address the risks identified for NI, in line with other social, economic and environmental priorities.

Adaptation action can take many forms, and the UK Climate Change Committee has grouped the risks into 13 different systems where action is required (e.g. water supply, buildings, nature, business etc.). Relevant projects submitted to DAERA for consideration related to one or more of these systems, were ongoing or planned during the period 2024-29, and reduced vulnerability to climate change in NI by:

  1. Protecting or enhancing an asset, area or group from the impacts of climate change;
  2. Filling an evidence gap to improve understanding or decision-making, or;
  3. Improving governance, policies and procedures to enable either of the first two options.


What’s the next step?

As of June 2024, project submissions are currently being considered by DAERA and Climate NI. Preference is being given to submissions for projects and actions which are more strategic and provide greatest impact for society; all submissions are being carefully considered.


To find out more about NI Legislation addressing climate change see our policy page.

If you would like to find out more information please contact us:

Climate Northern Ireland
22-24 Lombard Street
+44 77 6947 5742