NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-24 (NICCAP2)

This platform has been developed to showcase the important role of civil society and local government in delivering climate change adaptation in Northern Ireland. The aim is to raise awareness of climate change adaptation good practice and to encourage co–ordinated action across all sectors.

NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019–2024

The climate in Northern Ireland (NI) is changing. The NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019–2024 was published in September 2019 and set out Northern Ireland’s adaptation approach and actions for the period 2019 – 2024. The programme outlined the five–year approach to addressing the risks and opportunities identified within the NI Evidence Report. See the table below, which outlined the outcome objectives presented in the NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019–24.

To find out more about NI Legislation addressing climate change see our policy page.

If you would like to find out more information please contact us:

Climate Northern Ireland
22-24 Lombard Street
+44 77 6947 5742

The following sections showcase existing climate adaptation work in Northern Ireland:


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Civil Society

NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019-24 (NICCAP2)

It is important to acknowledge the contributions that communities, businesses and individuals are carrying out as a vital part of the collaborative climate change resilience effort.

This section outlines the projects that civil society stakeholders in NI have planned as part of their climate change adaptation actions carried out over the lifetime of this programme.

  • Academic Sector,
  • Community and voluntary organisations, and
  • Private Sector


The links below list the academic sector projects and their actions and objectives that contribute to the NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019–24.


Community & Voluntary

The links below list the Community & Voluntary sector projects and their actions and objectives that contribute to the NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019–24.


Private Sector

The links below list the Private sector projects and their actions and objectives that contribute to the NI Climate Change Adaptation Programme 2019–24.


Supporting and collaborating with government


Local Government

Local government plays a central role in shaping local places and providing essential services. The NI Evidence Report 2017 outlines many climate change impacts which are relevant to the responsibilities and services delivered by Local Government. This section introduces:

  • Local Council Adaptation Planning
  • Strategic Actions

To explore this section in more detail, click here.

Local Government Adapts

This programme aims to increase the profile of climate change adaptation across councils in NI, and to encourage and support each local council to develop a strategic climate change adaptation plan.  The adaptation cycle shown below illustrates a step by step process which would increase local council’s resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Strategic Actions

To encourage and support local councils to engage in strategic climate change adaptation planning, the table below outline the following actions are planned.

These strategic actions aim to develop a context within which local councils are able to play a key role in raising public awareness and increasing local resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Northern Ireland Adaptation Support Tool

A local council climate change adaptation guidance and support tool developed specifically for the NI context will be made available by Climate NI in 2020. To explore the toolkit and resources further see the NI Adapts website. Here you will find overview of the climate adaptation process, the tools and resources and the work currently being carried out by NI councils.