Call for Information on Adaptation Projects

Climate NI is undertaking the Mid-Programme Review of the Northern Ireland Climate Adaptation Programme (NICCAP2). Covering the period 2019-2024, NICCAP2 contains Northern Ireland government’s response to the risks and opportunities identified in the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017. We are gathering information on projects or case studies that have developed since 2019 which help to deliver towards climate change adaptation action. We welcome all projects from civil society, academia, the private sector and local government. These projects will be published alongside a progress update on government actions later in 2022.

How do I feed into the mid-programme review?

To make this process as easy as possible, we have developed a template to gather new projects. Follow these steps to submit your project(s):

  1. Download the following template:NICCAP2 Mid Programme Review – New Projects
  2. Complete with the information on your project, you can submit multiple projects.
  3. Return to Amy Bell, by Thursday 30th June.

Climate NI greatly appreciates you taking time to update us on these projects. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.